What We Do

The goal of the Cooper Foundation is to make Waco a better or more desirable community in which to live. We value the work of local nonprofits toward that goal and carefully consider their grant requests for financial assistance.

Yet grantmaking is just one of many ways Cooper Foundation serves the community.  Additionally:

  • Often, not-for-profit organizations turn to the Foundation for guidance, whether in seeking funding elsewhere or for nonprofit management advice.
  • The Foundation may be approached when a nonprofit needs a public vote of confidence before taking on a new venture or for early support before other funding can be arranged.
  • Cooper also sponsors the monthly Nonprofit Network, providing professional development and information exchange for local charities.
  • The Foundation serves as a convener, bringing together community leaders to learn from experts on issues impacting the area.
  • The Foundation hosts the Waco Leadership Forum, a gathering of leaders from a broad cross-section of the community for the purpose of identifying issues of relevance to the community, exploring and promoting an increased understanding of those issues, and providing an opportunity for leaders to seek responsible, collaborative solutions for community issues.
  • Cooper plays an important role helping to sponsor special community efforts that have no other paid support, such as providing staff for the Community Visioning Project.

You’ll also find the Cooper Foundation championing the field of philanthropy, spreading the word about the role and importance of foundations.

Persons contemplating the establishment of a foundation may seek resources at the Cooper House.

The Trustees and staff of the Foundation believe Madison Cooper’s legacy has had a profound and lasting impact on Waco, and they enjoy encouraging others to share their good fortune for the benefit of the community.

Sign up for the

Nonprofit Network



Upcoming Nonprofit Network Sessions:
(click read more to access registration links)

February 20: The Employee Handbook — Can I Copy Off Your Paper?
April 24: Nonprofit Advocacy

read more


Visit our grants page to learn more about the process of applying and a full list of the upcoming application deadline and review dates.



General Inquiry