The Cooper Foundation is pleased to offer a free nonprofit professional development and networking event to the Waco nonprofit community. See below for information about upcoming sessions!

Upcoming Nonprofit Network Sessions:

December 4th Holiday Social Hour


Join us on Wednesday, December 4th at the Cooper House (1801 Austin Ave.) from 4:00 – 6:00 pm for a casual evening of networking with other nonprofit professionals!

December 19th Nonprofit Network Session: Harassment: It’s Not What You Think


  • Date: Thursday, December 19
  • Time: 9:00 – 11:00 am (Please note, the presentation is from 9:30-11:00 am and the remaining time is for networking.)
  • Location: Texas Life Annex (1000 Washington Avenue)
  • Description: At the December session, Attorneys Cris Houston and David Schleicher, will do some harassment myth-busting. We will learn when harassment is illegal even though not sexual in nature, when it’s not illegal, and what kind of harassment pierces protections managers used to have from being sued.
  • Presenters:
    • Crisarla Houston is a Harvard law school graduate who has also taught law school classes, served as the Compliance and Equity Officer for one of Waco’s largest nonprofits, and is currently the CEO of a local nonprofit that helps disadvantaged small businesses obtain loans.
    • David Schleicher is a former president of the Waco School Board and has among his non-profit clients Waco Habitat, Communities in Schools, Waco Family Medicine, Hispanic Leaders Network, the Farmer Veteran Coalition, and The Australian Shepherd Club of America.

Save the Date for the Additional Nonprofit Network Sessions!

Join us for a series of nonprofit employment law sessions taught by Attorneys Crisarla Houston & David Schleicher during the upcoming Nonprofit Network year!




  • January 16: Nepotism, Conflicts of Interest, and Other Dirty Words
  • February 20: The Employee Handbook — Can I Copy Off Your Paper?


  • 9:00 – 9:30am: Networking
  • 9:30 – 11:00am: Presentation


  • Texas Life Annex (1000 Washington Avenue)